Instrumental Success


It’s a mammoth task – sterilising around 2.8 million instruments a year!  But the excellent work carried out at the central decontamination unit at Falkirk Community Hospital has earned them a plaudit from their accreditation body (LRQA).

In a recent audit the ASDU (area sterilisation and disinfection unit) was praised for its continued high standards in staff training and  purchasing protocols and evidence of continual improvement through internal audit, staff meetings, quality objectives and the use of key performance indicators.

In the last 12 months the unit has processed 53,416 theatre trays, 35,741 instrument packs and 146,861 supplementary items. Staff involved in the latest audit included Michelle Holburn (ASDU Deputy Manager), Alison Sneddon, (Quality Manager) and  Lynne Henderson (Dept Administrator).

Thanking her staff, ASDU Manager Lynsay Gracie said: “This accreditation is a measure of good practice and signifies our ongoing commitment to provide the patients of NHS Forth Valley with safe, sterile and fit-for-purpose medical devices used in theatres and clinics throughout the board area.”