Joining Health and Social Care Services – Update


A lot of progress has been made in the last few months on plans to integrate a wide range of health and social care services across Forth Valley.

A number of public engagement events have been held to update local people on the work underway, gather feedback and answer questions.  Staff briefing sessions have also been taking place to help ensure staff are kept updated and involved as plans progress.

Draft integration schemes, which set out how the two new Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs) in Forth Valley will be created and managed, have been finalised and will now be submitted to the Scottish Government for approval. Shiona Strachan, the new Chief Officer for the Clackmannanshire and Stirling HSCP takes up her role on 1 July 2015 and Tracey McKigan, who has been appointed as the interim Chief Officer for the Falkirk HSCP, starts on 20thJuly 2015.

New Transitional Joint Boards have been established for both the new Falkirk and Clackmannanshire and Stirling HSCPs and work has now started to identify the more detailed plans and priorities.

You can find out more, including details of the agreed Vision and Outcomes, on the NHS Forth Valley website