Keep Up-to-date with Your Health & Safety Training


Nursing staff at Forth Valley Royal Hospital are being urged to make sure they are up-to-date with manual handling and violence and aggression training. It follows a visit earlier this year by the Health and Safety Executive which highlighted the need for improvement in these two areas. Online learning (LearnPro) for both subjects should be completed immediately, with a proposed phased return for face-to-face training being offered by our Health and Safety Department

The visit was well received by inspectors who noted good work in a number of areas particularly in relation to equipment maintenance management and medical physics. It was recognised that staff have faced difficulties over the past few months due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but as the organisation begins to remobilise the Health and Safety Department is keen to move forward with detailed action plans to ensure safe and effective working in all areas. A working group, which includes Andrea Fyfe, Director of Acute Services, will oversee this important work and staff will be updated on progress over the coming months.

Nursing staff within Forth Valley Royal Hospital may also be contacted by members of the Health and Safety Department, including Angus Walker, the Health and Safety advisor based within the hospital. Your cooperation and support in helping to ensure the action plans are implemented is much appreciated.