KSF/EKSF – Your Views


During March/April this year, NHS Forth Valley worked with external colleagues to complete a review of your experience of the KSF Personal Development Review process and your thoughts about the quality of the programme. Some areas of good practice across the organisation were recognised and these will be shared with you. However you also took the opportunity to honestly tell us about what needed to be improved and for all of your contributions we would like to say THANK YOU.

Almost 400 members of staff completed an online survey about KSF/eKSF, another 50 or so took part in face to face interviews and 17 were involved in two reference groups.

We are committed to engaging with staff to get this type of feedback on a regular basis and we also promised to share our findings with you. Here are some of the key points and how we intend to respond.

What you told us

A high number of staff have been involved in a KSF Personal Development Plan (PDP) and review (74%).

The PDP and review process is not understood in terms of value and purpose and this has had an impact on the priority it is given in some areas

Where PDP and review meetings take place regularly, staff felt they were given access to ongoing learning, education and training and this was viewed as essential to supporting delivery of high quality services.

Lack of recent training for KSF Reviewers was identified as an area in need of improvement

Some challenges around the ‘user friendliness’ of eKSF for recording discussions were identified

What will we do to make improvements?

  • Brief all staff about the purpose and value of participation in regular PDP and reviews
  • Introduce KSF/eKSF to all new starters via Induction programmes – Corporate and Local
  • Offer ongoing training for Reviewers on how to conduct effective PDP and reviews
  • Encourage more regular use of eKSF in between PDP and review meetings
  • Refocus on the core aim of this process which is around staff members having a ‘quality review with their reviewer on a regular basis