Lauren’s Visual Diary


Mostly inspired by two of her great loves, nature and cats, Lauren Bremner is an up-and-coming young Scottish artist, who has been working closely with Artlink Central to mount a new exhibition at Forth Valley Royal Hospital called ‘My Visual Diary’

Lauren, whose Mum Donna Bremner works for NHS Forth Valley, says her passion for art has been a lifeline for her having been run over by a car aged 11. Suffering life threatening injuries, she fought back and began to build a life back for herself with her family, and in turn art, which was at the core of her rehabilitation.

Lauren’s strength and passion for life are evident in her determination and enthusiasm for taking on new challenges. Lauren loves to develop ideas with her studio support artists, taking inspiration from her local surroundings and landmarks, as well as landscapes further afield.

She has a deep connection with animals; she particularly adores cats and has created a number of artworks using imagery of cats belonging to family and friends.

Lauren mainly loves to work with acrylics, watercolour, charcoal and printmaking.