Learning Sign Language by the Book


It took five years in the writing, but community psychiatric nurse Kirsty Walker is now the proud author of a book in which she shares her top 50 tips on how to master British Sign Language.

The book is designed to be an extra learning tool to those studying BSL and comes from Kirsty’s own experience of learning the language to level three. There are practical exercises to complete within the book and readers can set some goals on the pages at the back.

Kirsty, who has dedicated the book to her son, says it is also about equality, connecting us all together, cultivating mindfulness, loving who you are and honouring your uniqueness.

She said “To my surprise, it has inspired people who have never considered learning the language. I think this lovely review sums it up – I have recently read this book and thoroughly enjoyed it. The author’s words kept me wanting to read on. Not only for more information on BSL. But for beautiful quotes that inspired me to consider my own styles of communication and interactions with people. I would highly recommend this book.

“Throughout my studies so many people asked about BSL. I love the language and helping others, so this way I can share my knowledge with them.”

Kirsty had to wait to finish her course so she could have the 50 tips formatted. She also faced several delays due to the Covid-19 pandemic. She has now contacted a university, several Deaf Associations and Waterstones. She also has a Facebook page 50 Ways to Master British Sign Language where the book can be ordered or you can contact her direct at walker.kirsty621@googlemail.com.

Kirsty hopes that her venture into the literary world will encourage other health professionals to take up BSL.