Suggesting to a patient that they need to lose weight is never easy. But now community dietitians in NHS Forth Valley have launched a practitioners pack ‘Let’s talk about weight – Practitioners Pack’ for healthcare professionals which helps them raise the issue using the right words and in a positive and consistent manner.
Based on the popular ‘Choose to Lose’ weight management programme, the new pack provides prompts, conversation starters, practical advice and signposts individuals to useful weight management resources and local services.
Community Dietitian, Pamela Murray, explained: “Starting a short conversation about weight can support a person to start thinking about making lifestyle changes. Everyone in direct contact with the general public has an opportunity to raise awareness, motivate and signpost people to help them manage and maintain a healthier weight and improve their overall health and wellbeing. It’s also useful for practitioners to use the opportunity at follow up appointments to review weight change progress with their patients.”
The new pack can be downloaded from the Choose To Lose website which also contains practical information, tools and self monitoring worksheets to support people throughout their weight loss journey. Paper copies can be obtained by emailing
Individuals, can also be referred to NHS Forth Valley’s Weight Management Service. Current criteria for referral is a person with a BMI ≥ 35 who is seeking more intense support and help for their weight and other related co-morbidities.
All referrals should be made through SCI Gateway or email with details of current weight, height, Body Mass Index (BMI), any related health problems and, if possible, details of previous attempts to lose weight.