Local Hero


Alexander Logan Speirs (‘Sandy’) was a consultant paediatrician at Stirling Royal Infirmary and Falkirk and District Royal Infirmary. It was largely due to his persistent questioning and research from 1959 onwards that uncovered the danger to pregnant women of the drug Thalidomide.

The results of his research enquiries were published in The Lancet in 1962, ‘Thalidomide and congenital abnormalities’ (Lancet, 1962, 1, p 303-5). Following publication, the drug was immediately withdrawn from the market in the UK and further tragedies were averted.

You can download a copy of Speirs article by using The Knowledge Network and conducting a Library Search. For more information on borrowing, using the online resources, literature searching, or any other services on offer contact the NHS Forth Valley Library Service using one of the below email addresses: