Local Staff Support the Louisa Jordan Hospital


Staff from NHS Forth Valley have volunteered to be part of the workforce providing vital care and support for Scotland’s new temporary hospital at the SEC in Glasgow. Louise Boyle, NHS Forth Valley’s Head of Nursing for Emergency and Inpatient Services has been appointed as one of two Associate Nurse Directors at the NHS Louisa Jordan and a number of staff from NHS Forth Valley have also volunteered to work there to provide support, if required.

They include doctors, nurses, radiologists, healthcare support workers and pharmacists. Many have already undergone induction training and some staff are being trained to operate equipment including a CT scanner and mobile X-ray units.

Describing her role as both a privilege and an exceptional learning experience, Louise Boyle says she feels very honoured to be asked by NHS Forth Valley to join the team invited to ‘build’ this important new national facility.

She explained: “I was immediately welcomed into the team which comprised experts and colleagues from a wide range of services with diverse backgrounds and rich with knowledge and experience. We knew we had to work quickly and the one shared goal and determination brought us together. In 20 days the hospital was ready to receive patients.

“I have embraced my role, never knowing what I would be doing next, from working with contractors to developing pathways and protocols and ensuring that standards provided would match those expected in any acute hospital. I was immediately struck by the sense of trust and camaraderie, everyone in this together. It has provided a fantastic opportunity to bring some of the learning back to NHS Forth Valley, particularly how to overcome any obstacles and
drive forward change. This has been a once in a lifetime experience and one I will never forget.”

Louise Boyle also paid tribute to the NHS Forth Valley staff who have volunteered to re-deploy to the NHS Louisa Jordan if needed.

She said: “I am extremely proud of the response from our staff. Their willingness to work at this new national facility is an inspiration for us all.  I am grateful to everyone who has offered their services it is reassuring to know that if this facility is needed now or in future we will be well prepared and ready to care immediately.”

The new national NHS Louisa Jordan hospital has been developed as part of NHSScotland’s response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. It is designed for patients who do not need intensive care or for those recovering after intensive care and an initial capacity for 300 patients which can be expanded to more than 1,000 beds, if required.