Lynn Goes Back to School


Equality and Diversity Manager Lynn Waddell went back to school recently – to speak to more than 1,000 pupils at Falkirk High School about equality and diversity, and the impact that discrimination can have on people. The session, led by NHS Forth Valley as part of the school’s Health Week, reflected the core values of the school – Ready, Respectful and Responsible.

Lynn was joined by PC Mike Parsons from Police Scotland’s Forth Valley Division who explained the consequences of hate incidences. The pupils were also given an update on how they can bookmark the NHS Forth Valley website on their smart phones which allows them to quickly access information about local services and advice on how to improve their health, wellbeing and safety.

Around 120 staff at the school subsequently completed a personal development session with Lynn Waddell.

Lynn said: “The feedback from both sessions was extremely positive and hopefully we will have helped give pupils the confidence to challenge discrimination and look at their own behaviour.”