Margaret-Ann Receives Prestigious Queen’s Nuse Award


A health visitor working with NHS Forth Valley has recently been awarded the prestigious title of Queen’s Nurse.

Margaret-Ann Williamson was one of 21 community nurses selected to take part in a nine-month development programme run by the Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland (QNIS).

The Health Visitor Team Lead for Clackmannanshire was nominated by managers for providing high quality, compassionate care to people in her community and for providing support which makes a real difference to local families.

She said: “I was told when I started in health visiting that you are part of the most important journey of people’s lives, and I still believe that.

“Playing a role in the community where you help parents at the very beginning of their journey as a family is something I have always got great fulfilment from.

“Being part of the Queen’s Nurse programme was an amazing experience as it brought together a group of passionate people who want to make a difference.”

Queen’s Nursing in Scotland dates back to the late 19th century, when nurses completed specific training which allowed them to work as district nurses. They provided healthcare and health promotion to people in their own homes and became well respected figures within their community. Following the introduction of a national certificate for district nursing, QNIS ceased training, awarding the Queen’s Nurse title for the final time in 1969.

However, the decision was made to reintroduce Queen’s Nurses to Scotland in 2017.