Meet Our New Chief Residents


Four Junior Doctors have recently been appointed as Chief Residents for the year 2022/23.

Let’s say hello to:

Mei Ying Chin – ST5 General Surgery

Thank you for the opportunity to be one of the Chief Residents. I champion the importance of positive integration for international doctors, currently or aiming to be in a UK training programme. I also hope to be a mentor for any juniors who aspire to have a surgical career. I hope to engage with junior doctors more via our Instagram account (chiefresidentsfvrh).

Richard Broome – CT3 in Anaesthetics

I am a new to Forth Valley and during my training I have been fortunate enough to work in many different hospitals in the UK and abroad. This has allowed me to see some great training programmes. With this I can hopefully be a strong advocate for medical trainees, ensuring their experience is a positive one that prepares them for their futures. I am a less than full time trainee with a young family so I have a good understanding of the need for work life/balance. I want to ensure all trainees are looked after, can have a laugh, and enjoy their time at NHS Forth Valley.

Mary-Beth Patterson – Clinical Development Fellow

I am currently working in Ageing and Health and during my FY2 year I undertook the role of chairperson for the FVRH mess committee. I hugely enjoyed my FY1/FY2 time at Forth Valley Royal Hospital and hope that I can be an advocate for trainees to help them all feel supported and have an overall positive training experience. I also hope we can continue the hard work of last year’s Chief Residents and continue to be champions for trainee wellbeing for the year 2023/2023.

Mhairi Bannatyne (and her cute husky Dearg)- FY2

I wanted to become a Chief Resident to try to improve the trainee experience. Times are tough for the NHS in general and staff are struggling with high burnout and low morale. Therefore, it would be nice to do anything we can to help. Particular projects I am keen on initiating are instigating better feedback networks and creating more opportunities for practising clinical skills.

Our door is always open to ideas – so please feel free to come and find us for a chat or email any suggestions to – we can’t wait to hear from you.