Meet Robo Kid

He’s the latest addition to the family of manikins who ‘live’ in the Scottish Centre for Simulation and Clinical Human Factors at Forth Valley Royal Hospital. Meet the robotic kid, who plays a starring role in a new Paediatric Immediate Life Support (PILS) course, delivered by the NHS Forth Valley Resuscitation Training Team.

The first PILS course was delivered last year; five further courses have been run since then, training a total of 40 members of staff. The new course is appropriate for all healthcare professionals working in a paediatric clinical environment, such as the Children’s Ward, or where there is the potential to deal with paediatric patients, including the Critical Care Unit, Emergency Department and theatres.

The course lasts a full day and teaches the knowledge and skills required to help prevent cardio-respiratory arrest and provide initial treatment to children in respiratory or cardio-respiratory arrest, until specialist support arrives.

Lead Resuscitation Officer, Dave Williams explained: “It is important that our department is able to deliver resuscitation training for staff who work with patients of all age ranges and PILS is a fundamental requirement for some healthcare professionals. Forth Valley is now also a European Paediatric Advanced Life Support (EPALS) course centre, and will be running its first course later in 2017.”

Staff who need to complete PILS as part of their annual mandatory resuscitation training can access a list of course dates via learnPro, by emailing or calling the new department number 01324 567477.

Additional information is available from the intranet page: and you can find out more about courses at