MiDIS for Minis


Clinical records of more than 26,000 patients seen by members of the allied health professions (AHPs) including physiotherapists, radiographers, and dietitians, have now been entered on MiDIS, the Multi-Disciplinary Information System, an electronic patient record.

Since May 2013, Nicola Henderson, Dietitian, has received temporary funding from the Scottish Government to work 2 days/week as AHP eHealth Lead. Her role is part of a national delivery plan for AHPs which calls for better measurement, data collection and eHealth to strengthen efficiency and productivity.

The use of MiDIS has presented some challenges to staff but there are clear benefits for patients including:

  • Patient centred care
  • Information sharing
  • Improved communication between services
  • Activity data reports

Nicola is currently undertaking an eHealth leadership programme designed by NHS Education for Scotland for nurses, midwives and AHPs and will be working with eHealth to develop a strategy to ensure AHP staff engagement with new developments and technologies.

Nicola and her colleague, Caroline Ritchie, were recently awarded the British Dietetic Association Dame Barbara Clayton award for Innovation and Excellence in Dietetic Practice. The award was in recognition of a Renal Dietetic Database they have developed to support the conversion from paper record cards to electronic record keeping as part of the strategy to become a ‘paperlight’ health service.