Molly Tackles Marathon


Among those cheering the runners in this year’s London Marathon will be Consultant Urological Surgeon Mr James Tweedle. Despite being confined to a wheelchair for several months his daughter Molly will be covering the 26 miles to raise money for multiple sclerosis research.

Molly, who is 19 and now studying at Aberdeen University, was admitted to Stirling Royal Infirmary when she was 12 years old with a headache and unable to walk.  Despite very supportive medical and nursing input no firm diagnosis was ever reached.

Molly began high school in a wheelchair and gradually returned to full health over the next two years. She has since run cross country for Stirling High School and played rugby at Murrayfield for them also, and was invited to trial for Scotland Under 18’s!

Currently she plays Lacrosse and does weightlifting as well as building up her running distances towards her first marathon.

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