More Mental Health Support for Staff


In response to increased demand for support around staff mental health, funding has been secured for a Mental Health Pilot Project, which will provide additional staffing support and psychological expertise to our Occupational Health team. The Pilot Project team are working alongside existing Occupational Health clinicians to reduce current waiting times and improve access to counselling and psychological therapies. The Project team is now in place, with a newly recruited Counsellor, Clinical Associate in Applied Psychology, and Administrator, joining our established Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Dr Susan Ramsay.

The referral process remains unchanged. All NHS Forth Valley staff can self-refer to Occupational Health for counselling by completing a form on the eOPAS section of the Staff Intranet, calling Occupational Health on 01324 566663,or visiting us on the second floor of Forth Valley Royal Hospital.

In addition to delivering counselling and psychological therapies, the Pilot Project team aims to establish a stepped-care approach to the provision of mental health services for NHS Forth Valley staff. This will involve putting in place preventive initiatives, such as a peer support network to provide a listening space for colleagues and access to self-help resources as well as  counselling and psychological therapy support within Occupational Health, where required.

If your concern is related to fitness to work or adjustment needs, please speak to your manager who can refer you to Occupational Health using the referral form on eOPAS.

Information about other services Occupational Health offer can be found on the Occupational Health section of the Staff Intranet. These includes self-referral to physiotherapy for any musculoskeletal issues or concerns

Photo caption:  The Mental Health Pilot Project team: Dr Susan Ramsay, Consultant Clinical Psychologist; Bartholomew Koman, Clinical Associate in Applied Psychology; Fiona Richards, Counsellor and Demi Leigh Stillie, Administrator (not pictured).