More wards at Forth Valley Royal Hospital have successfully rolled out HePMA, a new hospital electronic prescribing and medicines administration system. Medical, Ageing & Health and Surgical Wards along with Theatres, Intensive Care and Day Surgery are the latest areas to use HePMA.
The system will also be rolled out to Maternity, Neonatal, X-ray and the Emergency Department in the near future. The HePMA team is also working with staff in Community Hospitals with planned HePMA roll outs to Stirling in January 2017 and Falkirk in February 2017, along with other sites in Clackmannanshire, Bo’ness and Bellsdyke.
HePMA will deliver many benefits as it removes any problems with deciphering handwriting, a problem with the former paper-based Kardex system, and ensures that information can be easily accessed and updated by all relevant staff. It also makes it easier and quicker to order medicines by removing the need for duplicate paperwork and reduces the number of steps in the ordering process.
Training resources have been developed for staff using the new electronic system, including LearnPro modules as well as hands-on training courses for clinical staff. Prescribers must undertake mandatory LearnPro and hands-on training sessions and nursing staff must undertake a mandatory LearnPro module. Logins for the system are only issued once the necessary training has been successfully completed.
For more information visit the HePMA intranet page (which can be accessed under H in the A-Z section of the Staff Intranet or email the HePMA Project Team at (