Moving Forward With Patient Flow


The summer issue of Staff News highlighted a new three year patient flow project which we are taking forward in partnership with the Boston-based Institute for Healthcare Optimisation (IHO). The company are credited with masterminding radical improvements to lessen the peaks and troughs in patient demand which can leave hospitals quieter at some periods and struggling to cope at others.

Work is continuing to collect detailed information on how patients move through our hospitals to help identify potential areas for improvement. And Ward B32 (a GI and general medical ward) at Forth Valley Royal Hospital has been selected as pilot ward to test new arrangements and criteria for admitting, discharging and transferring medical patients. This work began in September 2014 and, if successful, will be rolled out to other inpatient wards across Forth Valley during 2015.

The Communications Department has also worked with Dr Chris Cairns, Clinical Lead for the patient flow project, to produce a short introductory video to help raise awareness of this important work. This explains some of the key aims of the project and highlights the potential benefits for patients and staff. The video is available on the multimedia section of the NHS Forth Valley website