New Chief Executive Appointed


NHS Forth Valley has a new Chief Executive. Cathie Cowan, currently Chief Executive of NHS Orkney, is expected to take up her post before the end of the year.

Cathie originally trained as a nurse at the Southern General Hospital in Glasgow in the 1980s and worked in a variety of nursing roles before moving to Perth in 1990, initially to take up post as a Clinical Nurse Manager at Perth Royal Infirmary and later as Clinical Services and Business Manager for the former Perth and Kinross NHS Trust. In 1995, she was appointed Director of Nursing, Patient Services and Planning for Kirkcaldy NHS Trust and then Director of Service Development and Capacity Planning for the Fife NHS Board.

Cathie returned to Glasgow in 2005 to take up post as the Director for the new South East Glasgow Community Health and Care Partnership before moving to Orkney in 2010.

Speaking about her new appointment Cathie said: “One of my first priorities will be to meet with local staff working across NHS Forth Valley in primary, community and hospital care. I also want to build on relationships with key partner organisations and become acquainted with local communities as we work together to build on achievements to improve the lives, care and services provided to the people of Forth Valley.”