A specialist team of administrators are now based at Euro House where they are running a centralised booking system for all physiotherapy sites that deal with muscles and joints.
Known as the Musculoskeletal (MSK) Hub, the team are taking calls about appointments. They also deal with referrals and self referrals initiated through GP practices.
Paul McGuire MSK Redesign Project Manager said: “The Hub launch is a major milestone in the continuing MSK redesign project within NHS Forth Valley. Its key aims are to improve access, efficiency, quality and patient experience as part of the Scottish Government’s initiative on transforming outpatient services. MSK is one of five strands of that overall project which is designed to make sure that patients are seen by the right person at the right time and in the right place.”
The service have also produced clinical pathways for the treatment of hand, hip, shoulder, knee, foot and ankle, which have been written by a team of clinicians and led by Dr Lesley Dawson, Extended Scope Physiotherapist.
Paul adds: “We would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff involved in the set up and day to day running of the Hub, and the staff involved in creating clinical pathways, for their hard work and continued support.
If you would like more information or have any questions on the MSK redesign project please contact Paul McGuire MSK redesign project manager at p.mcguire@nhs.net.