NHS Scotland Staff Survey 2015 Results


The results of the 2015 NHS Scotland Staff Survey show that 42% of staff in NHS Forth Valley completed the survey, compared with 36% in 2014. The national average for the latest survey was 38%.

More good news, is that we have improved in the majority of areas but there is still work to be done. Some of the key findings are outlined below.

Well Informed

  • 86% of respondents felt they were clear what their duties and responsibilities are  – compared to 85% in 2014
  • 42% of respondents felt that when changes are made at work, they are clear how they will work out in practice – compared with 41% in 2014
  • 78% of respondents understand how their work fits into the overall aims of NHS Forth Valley –  up 3% from 2014

Appropriately trained and developed

  • 85% of respondents  have had a KSF development review, performance review, appraisal, or Personal Development Plan in the last 12 months – up 4% from 2014

Involved in decisions

  • 55% of  respondents feel they have sufficient opportunities to put forward new ideas or suggestions for improvement in the workplace
  • 42% of respondents were confident their ideas or suggestions would be listened to

Treated fairly and consistently with dignity and respect, in an environment where diversity is valued.

  • 63% of respondents felt their line manager encourages them at work  – up 2% from 2014
  • 62% of respondents felt that NHS Forth Valley acts fairly and offers equality of opportunity with regard to career progression/promotion – up 5% from 2014
  • 79% of respondents get the help and support they need from colleagues

Provided with a continuously improving and safe working environment promoting health and wellbeing of staff, patients and the wider community

  • 43% of respondents felt they can meet all the conflicting demands at work – up 4% from 2014
  • 30% of respondents said there are enough staff for them to do their job properly – up 3% from 2014
  • 80% of respondents have had health and safety training paid for or provided by NHS Forth Valley –  compared to 79% in 2014
  • 39% of respondents experienced emotional/verbal abuse from patients/service users or other members of the public – down 1% since 2014


Overall experience of working for NHS Forth Valley

  • 68% of respondents said that care of patients/service users is NHS Forth Valley’s top priority – compared with 65% in 2014
  • 64% of respondents said they felt able to do their job to a standard they were personally pleased with – compared with 62% in 2014
  • 88% of respondents said they were happy to go the ‘extra mile’ at work when required- compared with 89% in 2014

‘I have confidence and trust in my direct line manager’ was one of the most positive perceptions with 80% of staff agreeing with the statement in the latest survey

Additional questions

NHS Forth Valley had two additional questions in the 2015 staff survey to find out what one thing staff felt could be improved and to identify what they think is good about working for NHS Forth Valley.

The most common things staff said were good about working for NHS Forth Valley are:

  • Job Satisfaction
  • Feeling Valued/Supported
  • Job Security

The most common things staff said could be improved at NHS Forth Valley are:

  • Patient/Service User Satisfaction
  • Communication

The NHS Forth Valley Staff Survey Steering Group is currently reviewing our local results to help develop a new action plan to address some of the key issues raised.