No Smoking on NHS Grounds


A smoke free policy has been introduced across all NHS grounds in Scotland with patients, visitors and staff being asked to wait until they leave NHS grounds before lighting up. The move, which takes effect from 1 April 2015, is part of a national drive to create a tobacco free generation within Scotland by 2034 and extends to hospitals, health centres and other community facilities, together with NHS offices and other non-patient buildings.

As NHS staff our responsibilities include:

  • Adherence to the smokefree policy throughout all NHS grounds
  • Not smoking in uniform or when wearing NHS identity badges outwith NHS grounds
  • To help promote smokefree grounds and support patients and colleagues in adhering to the policy
  • Recognising that persistent disregard for the policy could result in disciplinary action
  • Where appropriate, supporting patients and colleagues who smoke to access smoking cessation advice and support to either help them quit altogether or at least manage their smoking whilst on NHS grounds.

Patients may be referred to the Stop Smoking Services directly by dialling 01324 566367 where they will get specialist support and advice.  Nicotine Replacement therapy can be prescribed for in-patients suffering from withdrawal and is on the Symptomatic Relief policy.

To find out more and watch the new TV advert visit