Offshore Support for Children’s Ward

Ryan Cormack and his three children are pictured handing over £700 worth of gifts for babies, children and teenagers along with a £2000 cheque from Bluewater Energy Services to Dr Sheena Logan, Dr Rebecca Moore, Staff Nurse Shannon O'Neil and Staff Nurse Stef Cehlnikova.

Hannah Cormack, a staff nurse in Day Medicine at Forth Valley Royal Hospital, recently visited the Children’s ward to donate some gifts to their festive appeal and also hand over a check for £2000.

Hannah, her husband and children had all bought gifts for their Christmas toy appeal – a cause that is close to their hearts as of all three children had been cared for at some point in the Children’s Ward and their youngest daughter was also admitted to the Neonatal Unit when born.

Hannah’s husband Ryan works offshore for a company called Bluewater and while offshore he received £500 from his colleagues on their oil rig ‘Aoka Mizu’ to put towards the gifts they were buying. In addition, he also approached his company’s head office who donated a cheque of £1000 along with their welfare matching it, which meant they were able to present a combined cheque of £2000 to the Children’s Ward.