Peer Immunisers Wanted – Volunteer Today!


Peer Immunisers are wanted to help deliver the Autumn/Winter Vaccination Programme to local staff across NHS Forth Valley.

They play a vital role in improving access by vaccinating colleagues in local wards and departments.

Feedback from two of our local Peer Immunisers is outlined below along with details of the skills and experience required and support provided.

If you would like to find out or volunteer please contact Elizabeth Murdoch, Occupational Health Lead Nurse and Pamela Scoular, Occupational Health Advisor on 01324 566663 or email

Jane Corless, Staff Nurse, Ward 6, Women and Children’s Unit

“I’ve been a peer vaccinator for about three years now. The first year I vaccinated the majority of my colleagues over a two-day period. I used an opportunistic approach; if someone was working on the ward I offered to vaccinate them and they always accepted.
“One of the reasons I became involved in this is that it’s sometimes difficult, because of busy work schedules, for staff to find time to leave their ward to go for a jag. It also encourages uptake and removes barriers for those who may be a little hesitant about getting vaccinated.

“Some training is available online, but the role is quite a basic one for a staff nurse, as it’s really just a case of upskilling and it also helps with revalidation. NHS Forth Valley needs more peer vaccinators so if you can help please volunteer as it’s enjoyable and I would recommend it to anyone!”

Melanie Smith, a Nurse within the Primary Care Centre at HMYOI Polmont

“My role as a peer vaccinator within a prison setting is particularly important due to shift working by Scottish Prison Service (SPS) and NHS staff. Working within a custody setting means we are not always free to attend more traditional venues such as immunisation clinics and vaccinating within the workplace gives flexibility and convenience to staff.
“I am a visible figure within the Polmont Prison staff community, and this helps me promote and support those who wish to take up the offer of a vaccine. I am on hand to discuss any concerns, provide reassurance and address any misconceptions around vaccination. This has proved a popular service, uptake has increased, and it has helped foster a collegiate team spirit with SPS colleagues who very much appreciate what we are offering.

What is a Peer Immuniser?

Peer Immunisers are healthcare workers who voluntarily administer vaccine to other healthcare workers and colleagues within the same organisation. The use of peer immunisers has been shown to increase the uptake vaccines by making it easier and more accessible for staff.

They can be:

  • Nurses and midwives currently registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)
  • Pharmacists currently registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC)
  • Chiropodists/podiatrists, dieticians, occupational therapists, orthoptists, orthotists/prosthetists, paramedics, physiotherapists, radiographers and speech and language therapists currently registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)
  • Dental hygienists and dental therapists registered with the General Dental Council
  • Medical Staff registered with the GMC.

What skills and experience do you require?

  • Injection skills
  • Anaphylaxis and CPR training
  • Experience of using Patient Group Directions (PGD)
  • Vaccination Management Tool (VMT) however training can be provided.
  • Access to a drug fridge which is audited to meet the requirements for safe storage of vaccine.
  • Requirement to complete a proficiency/competency document with your manager prior to ordering and administering vaccinations

What training/support is available?

You will be provided with training to prepare you for all aspects of the vaccination process and will be supported by the Occupational Health Team.

Sign up or find out more

To sign up or find out more contact: Elizabeth Murdoch, Occupational Health Lead Nurse and Pamela Scoular, Occupational Health Advisor on 01324 566663 or email