Positive Feedback From Trainee Doctors

Scotland Deanery website

NHS Forth Valley has emerged as one of the best places to be in Scotland for trainee doctors, with the following six departments in the top 2% – anaesthetics, clinical radiology, general surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, ophthalmology and paediatrics.

The details are revealed in the latest Scotland Deanery Director of Medical Education Report and follows a national trainee survey.

The survey is anonymously submitted by trainee doctors to rate training posts and is produced every year to highlight the trainee doctors’ perception of the quality of their training. Feedback was sought about a variety of experiences: supportive environment, teamwork, educational governance, handovers and overall satisfaction.

Dr Kate Patrick Director of Medical Education for NHS Forth Valley said; “A large number of staff have contributed to this success, which helps to demonstrate that quality training can be maintained within a busy service.

These include the Medical Education Administrators, Foundation Programme Directors, all consultants who are clinical and educational supervisors throughout NHS Forth Valley (including in primary care), and our Medical Director, Associate Directors and General Managers.

“Many other staff from across NHS Forth Valley, including nurses, resuscitation and skills trainers and colleagues from human resources, have provided valuable assistance with running the Foundation Programmes. By helping to train and guide our Foundation doctors they have greatly contributed to this success. It is gratifying that recent training was so well thought of and I hope that these standards can be maintained in the future.”

Senior clinicians say it is rare for an NHS Board to have as many as six specialties in the top rankings and not to have at least one specialty in the bottom 2% There were also high markings for trainees in several GP practices including Polmont Park Medical Group and Forthview Practice.