Public Health Minister Meets Staff


Minister for Public Health and Sport Aileen Campbell is pictured (right) meeting staff and patients in the Children’s Ward at Forth Valley Royal Hospital, before chairing the Annual Review of NHS Forth Valley’s performance during 2015/16.

Accompanied by Chairman Alex Linkston and Chief Executive Jane Grant, she heard about the ‘What Matters to Me’ programme which gives children the opportunity to highlight issues that matter most to them, both in hospital and at home. It also helps staff learn about the child’s life, providing common ground to support communications.

Later in the day, more than a hundred patients, staff and members of the public attended the Annual Review where Chairman Alex Linkston highlighted the key achievements and challenges for NHS Forth Valley over the past year. Future plans outlined in the new healthcare strategy were also discussed and members of the public who attended also had the opportunity to ask questions.

You can find out more about the Annual Review on the publications section of our website or watch a video of the public meeting on the multimedia section.