Real Progress With Electronic Patient Records


A keen interest in the electronic patient record system (EPR) was evident when more than 100 people turned up for the latest update in the Learning Centre at Forth Valley Royal Hospital. A broad range of professionals listened to a summary of progress to date and heard about some innovative ways clinicians have adopted EPR to support paperlight processes.

A key example was given by Dr Elaine Turner, Renal Speciality Doctor, who explained how using Clinical Portal in conjunction with existing systems, including the West of Scotland Renal system, SERPR,  meant the service no longer required access to paper case notes for return clinic patients. This could all be gained electronically and paper case notes are only requested for new patients.

Dr Henry Robb, eHealth Clinical Lead, demonstrated how much progress has been made already. Talking through an uncomplicated surgical journey he highlighted where electronic solutions are already in place, what is under development, and concluded that there are two key areas outstanding which are ‘out of area’ and ‘internal informal’ communications.

Staff were able to see examples of systems already in place including Portal, Order Comms and EDMS workflow and mobile devices were available to try and offered an opportunity to view and test the emerging eForms.

The EPR Programme is a collaborative involving Clinicians, eHealth, ICT, Information Services, Health Records and Information Governance.

The presentations, posters and videos from the recent update event, along with other EPR information, can be found at or alternatively you contact us to request support via