Redeployment To Employment


Positive redeployment is the buzzword in NHS Forth Valley. Since January 2017, around 30 people have been placed in new roles thanks to a refreshed approach following a revision of NHS Forth Valley’s Redeployment Policy in 2016.

The outcome was the result of discussions by a working group who met to agree new processes to help staff who have been supported through an employment policy (for example long-term absence, illness or injury, coming to the end of a fixed term contract) or who have been displaced through organisational change.

Staff News has been speaking to HR Projects Manager, Janine McGregor, who is lead for Redeployment and talking to some members of staff who say they are thoroughly enjoying their new roles.

According to Janine, redeployment is not just a ‘quick fix.’ People are often in their redeployed post many years later. But getting it right after a period of long-term absence can be tricky for many people, and for some, it still carries an element of stigma. However, all that appears to be changing thanks to the recently-revised Redeployment Policy.

“What we are trying to do is to project to staff that this is the start of a positive new pathway” explains Janine. “They may have been off sick for a long time, or have suffered an injury which would make it difficult to return to their previous job. For example, a nurse who has suffered a knee injury may find it difficult to resume previous duties on a ward. I would imagine being redeployed carries a sense of loss to some people but to others it could come as a relief and the start of a new era in their career in the NHS.”

Janine’s role is to ensure that the redeployment process is followed correctly. She works closely with others in the HR team and Occupational Health. When staff join the redeployment register their reasons remain confidential and are not disclosed to any potential recruiting manager. Janine focuses on their job family, banding, and the number of hours they have been working as any matching is subject to existing terms and conditions of employment.

Janine works closely with staff, managers and the Recruitment Team and utilises their Ecruit database which was upgraded in 2016 to incorporate a new redeployment function. This assists in matching staff to vacancies keeping all information central and accessible to both HR staff and recruitment. Under the new revised policy redeployees, where possible, are considered for posts ahead of vacancies appearing on the intranet and SHOW through utilising upcoming vacancies in conjunction with Recruitment.  Staff are normally given a four-week trial to see how they settle into their new role.

Janine believes redeployment is incredibly worthwhile. “It demonstrates to our staff that their skills and experiences are valuable, many skills are transferable across job families and we want to retain these. For example, if you were a nursing assistant who moved to a receptionist post, you will have already have experience of dealing with patients and members of the public and those skills move with you.”

Pictured – Janine McGregor (far right) is pictured with HR Advisers Sara McEleny (left) and Lesley Luke (middle)