Reflecting on Events in the Workplace


Values-based reflective practice, or VBRP as it is known, is a safe, non-judgemental method of reflecting on events in the workplace.  The aim is to explore a situation by using three levels of seeing – noticing, wondering and realising. In discussion people should start by saying ‘I notice’ or ‘I wonder’ which is a gentle approach to try to determine what might have  been done better.

People should also consider a series of questions including whose needs were being met or unmet, and what does the event say about personal abilities or capabilities.

VBRP means valuing each other’s input, recognising every voice is important, and accepting that we are not looking to blame and want to learn from the event.

Forth Valley now has six accredited facilitators for VBRP and training can be organised for anyone else interested. For further information about VBRP speak to one of the Spiritual Care Team (01324 566071), have a look at the NES website below and look out for posters around the hospitals.