Ringing Endorsement for Cycle Scheme


Specialist Biomedical Scientist June Plummer has written to Staff News saying she wants to give a big thumbs up to the Cycle to Work scheme. June has bought two cycles through the scheme –the first a mountain bike and the second a hybrid, more suitable for her route to work although the mountain bike is good for snow and icy days.

“It has made an amazing difference to me” she explains. “It’s not just the obvious things like not needing a parking permit and getting out of work quicker at 5 o’clock when all my colleagues are stuck in traffic. But it has also improved my overall fitness which is important at 50 years of age!”

Earlier this year, June won the cycle scheme monthly selfie photo competition and was awarded the prize of £250 worth of cycle gear. To see a photo of her outside Forth Valley Royal Hospital in torrential rain, about to go on night shift, follow the link http://www.cyclescheme.co.uk/cycle-selfie and scroll down to April 2015.

Because of her fitness levels June has also been able to take part in a Pedal for Parkinson’s event. Both her Mum and grandfather died with Parkinson’s disease and June was able to raise more than £900 for Parkinson’s UK, helped by generous donations from colleagues in the NHS Forth Valley’s laboratories.