Serco Colleagues Commended


A number of local Serco colleagues at Forth Valley Royal Hospital received commendations at Serco’s national Pulse Awards. The awards provide an opportunity to recognise the work of staff across the UK who have done exceptional things or made exceptional efforts to make a difference to the lives of other people.

Winners of Serco’s monthly Star Awards are put forward for the national awards and a number of local staff received commendations for their work.

Michael Callaghan – Groundsman

A member of the public submitted the following feedback for Mick:

Dear Serco, we wanted to write and tell you how wonderful we found Mick, one of your staff! We were walking round FVRH on Sunday with my little boy picking up litter in the woods. We bumped into Mick doing the same, he walked over and had a chat with my little one, making him so happy. He then gave him ‘pay’ from his own pocket which was unnecessary but a wonderful gesture. It made our day and so wanted to get Mick the recognition he deserves for being a great rep for your service. Thanks again Mick, he has saved his pennies in his bank for a treat.

Alex Gray – Porter

Whilst on shift and walking through X-Ray, Alex noticed a lady in the waiting area who looked unwell and asked if she was okay. As she responded she began to pass out and Alex quickly caught her to stop her from hitting the floor. He gently placed into the recovery position and alerted clinical staff who then took over.

Alex said it all happened so suddenly, but as soon as he noticed the lady, he didn’t think she looked well and was concerned.

Two members of the clinical team phoned to report his great action, saying what a star he was. When asked how the incident, Alex said he was just glad he was there and able to help.

Lorraine McLintock – Catering Assistant

Lorraine became part of the Yellow Belt Scheme and put forward a solution with a goal to reduce the percentage of meals being hand delivered to wards and increase the additional meals being added to the trolley. As a result, 6% more meals are now delivered in trolleys, double the original 3% target. This is a fantastic achievement, made even better by the effort and eagerness of Lorraine to fix a problem which took up a lot of staff time.  Lorraine made time between her day-to-day jobs and then also when she got home as she was so committed to the task.  She is a credit to the Patient Catering Team and her colleagues are all very proud of her achievement.

Mary Corbet – Domestic Assistant

Mary’s kind and reassuring manner has been highlighted by many patients, along with their friends and family. Below are just a few examples of the positive feedback she had received

I just wanted to pass on a massive thanks to a Mary Corbett who is a Domestic at Forth Valley Royal Hospital. My girlfriend had been in ED with chest pain, and I had come up from Glasgow having never been to FVRH before.

I found myself lost in the main part of the building at night with everything closed and stumbled upon Mary who walked me all the way to ED, chatting to me along the way and was very reassuring. She is an asset to the hospital, and I wanted to pass on my thanks.”

“My mum suffered a stroke two weeks ago and was really down today. I was taking her outside for some air when she became quite upset.

“I was trying my best to calm her down and speak with her. One of your staff members asked if we were okay and came across to speak with us. She was very pleasant and had a laugh and joke with my mum and spoke with a smooth and calming nature which left both my mum and I smiling.

“Both my mum and I felt she was due some recognition as she didn’t need to check we were okay or go out of her way to speak with us and help me calm my mum down.

“Her name I believe is Mary Corbett and is definitely a credit to your team and hospital. As a family it gives comfort knowing there is people like her working in the hospital. Please pass on my thanks to her again, she was an absolute diamond.”

Fiona Hamilton – Patient Catering Manager

Fiona is currently the Patient Catering Manager and has carried out various roles within the site.  She consistently strives to improve the patient catering experience and service in Forth Valley Royal Hospital, and the care she provides to local patients cannot be measured.  She ensures that all patient’s catering needs onsite are excellent, with the best quality of food available through varied menu choices that are suitable for individual patient needs.  Fiona has made many significant changes to the department to enhance the service and ensured that the catering team role has evolved with ever changing business needs over the last three years. Many new initiatives have been launched to improve sustainability, reduce wastage, and enhance food safety training.

Fiona is also such a caring individual and that is prevalent not just in the workplace, but also in the local community where she supports local charities such as Start-up Stirling and From Me to You in Falkirk where she supplies goods that can be reused within the community to support local families.