Skin Health Surveillance


There is a statutory requirement under Health and Safety Law for NHS Forth Valley to undertake skin health surveillance on ALL staff who are exposed to certain hazardous substances, wear gloves, have wet hands for significant periods throughout the day, or are frequent hand washers, all of which could affect their skin health.

Work related skin disease is common and may lead to chronic ill health. However, to a large extent it is preventable.

Managers are required to have a system in place to carry out skin health surveillance and for reporting skin problems. They can either take on this role themselves or delegate to a ‘responsible person’ within their work area who, after appropriate training, can examine skin and educate staff on the types of skin problems and how to spot them early. Assessments will be undertaken annually.

Only staff who have attended a hand hygiene session and successfully completed the LearnPro module ‘Skin Care for Responsible Persons’ can undertake hand hygiene and skin health surveillance.

For further information on skin health, see your local Health and Safety Control Book and/or for further advice contact the Occupational Health Service.

Training updates will be posted on the staff intranet throughout the year.