Sleep Better with Sleepio


Staff who are struggling with poor sleep and insomnia can now access help online. An NHS-accredited programme known as Sleepio is available alongside two other digital therapies – Daylight for anxiety and Silver Cloud for Wellbeing.

Dr Sally Rankine, NHS Forth Valley’s Head of Adult Mental Health Psychology, said: “We are delighted to be adding Sleepio  to our programme of digital therapies. Difficulties with sleep can have a negative impact on most aspects of wellbeing so it is wonderful that this is now available.

“Daylight, Sleepio and Silvercloud for Wellbeing allow people to access cognitive behavioural therapies (CBT) in their own time and at their own pace to help them learn, develop and practise new skills and proven strategies to reduce worry and anxiety as well as improving their sleep.”

Professor of Sleep Medicine at the University of Oxford, Professor Colin Espie, added: “Anxiety and poor sleep are long standing problems for many people in Scotland, and the pandemic has introduced new changes and pressures that place additional strain on our mental health.

“Accessing support through Daylight, Sleepio or Silvercloud for Wellbeing early on should help people develop helpful ways to deal with worry and prevent the worsening of symptoms and the need for referral to specialist services. It also allows people to learn and develop skills independently, leading to greater sense of coping.”

Sleepio, Daylight, and Silvercloud for Wellbeing are available to adults (18+) and can be accessed directly on a web-based or mobile device at any time of day: