Someone To Talk To

Sometimes it can be tough at work, especially in healthcare. And sometimes it can be good to talk things through with someone who will listen and who has an understanding of what it might be like to walk in your shoes. The Medical Peer Support (MPS) network for consultants and career-grade doctors has been established to facilitate and encourage supportive peer to peer conversations. The network is made up of a group of trained doctors who are available to listen to and talk with colleagues needing informal help. The service is entirely confidential, and there will be no record of any conversations.

NHS Forth Valley Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Dr Elspeth Pitt, said a survey had revealed that more than 75% of those questioned had a reaction to a situation which lasted from one to nine months and around 70% would have welcomed someone to talk to, especially with a colleague.

“Everyone’s experience is their experience but it’s the opportunity of sharing with someone who has been in their shoes which is vitally important. It’s showing that people care about their colleagues and that they matter.”

Fifteen peer supporters are involved in the network and a list will be available on the Medical Peer Support section of the Intranet site. Anyone seeking assistance should send an email to their preferred person to say they would like a peer support conversation.

Once contacted, the medical peer supporter will offer up to three ‘listen to connect’  one-hour conversations at times and locations of mutual choice. The process will have a discreet start and end.

Medical peer support is currently open to any non training grade secondary care doctors working in NHS Forth Valley. It is hoped eventually that all staff groups will have their own form of peer support.