Staff Say Goodbye With Silver


NHS Forth Valley Director of Public Health, Dr Anne Maree Wallace, recently retired after more than five years with the Board. She previously worked for NHS Lothian, Training Programme Director in Public Health in Scotland and former Clinical Lead for the Public Health Network. The mother of three grown-up children, Anne Maree is an enthusiastic power walker and is planning to spend part of her retirement offering executive coaching.

Former Chief Executive Professor Fiona Mackenzie presented Dr Wallace with gifts from colleagues, which included silver jewellery.

Dr Wallace wrote:

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the beautiful gifts received at my retiral gathering. It was great to have such a large number of colleagues attending and the many good wishes from those who were unable to be there.

The sterling silver necklace, earrings and business card holder were such a lovely surprise together with the large basket of flowers and Dobbies gift voucher! I felt overwhelmed.