The recent Staff Survey, which many of you completed, has been used to inform our local Staff Governance Action Plan which was submitted to the Scottish Government Health Department at beginning of May 2014.
Key areas for improvement that have been highlighted include:
- Ensure staff are aware of the organisation’s future plans and priorities for the next five years and how these will address the national aims set out in the Scottish Government’s 2020 vision
- Make sure staff know about and have a better understanding of the organisation’s key priorities, financial plans and challenges
- Ensure staff across the organisation are kept updated on key developments, changes and improvements through regular updates direct from the Chief Executive
- Make sure staff are consulted about changes at work regarding service reviews, redesign and developments
- Develop capacity and workforce plans within the organisation so that staff can meet conflicting demands and ensure staffing levels are adequate
- Actively promote the reporting of all violence and aggression incidents and ensure staff feedback
Updates on progress of this Action Plan will be submitted to the Staff Governance Committee on a regular basis.
Planning is taking place nationally for the 2014 Staff Survey which will take place later in the year.
What You Said
49% of respondents thought care of patients/service users is Board’s top priority
46% of respondents were kept well informed about what is happening in Board
62% of respondents understand how work fits into overall aims of the Board
From these results, it is felt that staff should know more about the Board and how it works. This is being taken forward through planned changes to how the Board operates, how it provides information and an intention to meet with staff.
24% of respondents thought there were enough staff for me to do my job properly
From this, a focus on staffing numbers and capacity is being progressed through the workforce planning processes, and review of capacity and flow.
47% of respondents had not a KSF development review in the last 12 months.
A major programme is underway to support training and delivery of the eKSF target.
21% of respondents felt they are always consulted about change at work
37% of respondents were confident their ideas or suggestions would be listened to
From this, a renewed focus on Staff Engagement will be continued and the review of the NHS Forth Valley Policy on Organisational Change will provide an opportunity to consult with staff further.
53% of respondents thought their line manager encouraged them at work
The eKSF Review Programme will support this issue.
69% of respondents did not report unfair discrimination
From this, a renewed focus on Equality and Diversity will be taken forward in addition to the launch of the Dignity and Respect Policy.
33% of respondents felt that they could meet all the conflicting demands on their time
This issue will be taken forward through the Workforce Plans.
22% of respondent have not had any Health & Safety training paid for or provided by the Board.
From this, a focus on mandatory training has already been agreed and is being taken forward through an audit.
11% of staff have experienced bullying and harassment – of these 67% did not report it.
41% of respondents experienced emotional/verbal abuse
These issues will be supported through both organisational values and Dignity and Respect policy.