Supporting People with Tinnitus


As part of International Tinnitus Awareness Week, the Audiology Department held a Tinnitus Information day at Forth Valley Sensory Centre to help raise awareness of the condition and ways of managing it.

Feraz Ahmed, Caroline Ralph and Sara-Jane Macinnes from the Audiology Department gave a range of presentations and led discussions on tinnitus support. Margaret-Anne MacMillian from Health Improvement also provided advice on managing stress and Rachel Tardito, Equality, Diversity and Wellbeing Lead provided information and advice on wellbeing, mindfulness and guided meditation.

Gillian Peachy-Green from our Equality and Access service held a workshop on new ways to distract and staff from the Forth Valley Sensory Centre organised one on knitting and crocheting.

The day was well attended by the general public who enjoyed all presentations and workshops and found the information to be extremely enlightening.