Tackling Climate Change

New arrangements are being put in place to help meet targets set by the Scottish Government to make Health Boards greener and more energy efficient.

The first steps, which include setting up a series of climate emergency committees, were recently approved by the NHS Forth Valley Board.

The response follows a directive asking Boards to reduce carbon emissions to net-zero by 2040 and decarbonise the NHS Scotland estate by 2038 (i.e. no gas heating). Other requirements are to reduce energy and resource consumption, make better use of greenspace to support health and wellbeing, procure more sustainable goods and services and promote more environmentally sustainable methods of accessing health care, such as active travel and public transport.

NHS Forth Valley’s Environmental and Sustainability Manager, Derek Jarvie, explained: “Climate change presents a serious risk to the health of people around the world and has been described as the biggest global health threat of the 21st century.

Responding to the global climate emergency is one of the Scottish Government’s highest priorities and it has set out challenging new aims and targets for NHS Scotland.”

A Board-level champion will be identified, the NHS Forth Valley Executive Lead will be the Director of Facilities and Infrastructure and the Climate Emergency Response Team for NHS Forth Valley will be chaired by the Associate Director of Facilities & Infrastructure – Asset Management, supported by the following Working Groups:

  • Energy/net-zero: buildings estate/facilities
  • Waste management: minimisation and recycling
  • Transport: fleet operations and active transport
  • Greenspace & biodiversity
  • Sustainable care medical planning – aligned with the existing Realistic Medicine agenda and includes green theatres and the Forth Valley greener practice group
  • Procurement, supply chain & circular economy
  • Sustainable Communities – aligned with Anchor Institution/Community Wealth Building activities

Each NHS Scotland body must publish a report on its website in November each year summarising progress in achieving these new targets.