Talking About Patient Safety – Renal Unit Visit


Patient Safety Conversation Visits (PSCV) provide an opportunity for Board members to visit a wide range of clinical areas and have a conversation with frontline staff about patient safety.

They also give staff the opportunity to highlight some of their successes, quality improvements and challenges.

Since the visits started in April 2022, there have been visits to 20 areas across the organisation and the feedback from everyone involved has been very positive.

The most recent visit was to the Renal Unit on 20th Jan 2023. The clinical team – Dr Cath Stirling (Consultant Nephrologist), Sally Morgan (Senior Charge Nurse) and Jason Graham (Operational Manager) were the perfect hosts. Dr Stirling provided some information about the service before giving Linda Donaldson (Director of Human Resources), Martin Fairbairn (Non-Executive Board member) and Lynda Bennie (Head of Clinical Governance). This was followed by a tour of the Unit to chat to patients about their care and hear directly from staff about their experiences, challenges and wellbeing.

A follow up visit will take place in 6 months as part of the ongoing PSCV programme.
Thanks to the renal team for supporting the visit and for making Board members feel very welcome in your area.