Talking Patient Safety with Sexual Health & Pain Services


Staff from our sexual health and inpatient pain service recently welcomed colleagues from the Senior Leadership and Clinical Governance Teams as part of the ongoing programme of Patient Safety Conversation Visits.

The visiting team enjoyed hearing about the wide range of sexual services and support being provided and the flexibility and adaptability of staff to help meet the changing needs of our local population. They also heard about the challenges the service has faced, potential shared service development plans and had the opportunity to speak to many local staff during  a tour of the department.

During the visit to the pain service based in Forth Valley Royal Hospital, the clinical team discussed their vision and plans for service improvements, including the development of an analgesic ladder to support decision making for pain management. The team also advised that they are considering the use of an electronic referral system to support the referral process, improve patient safety and reduce waiting times.

Those involved in the visits are looking forward to returning in 6 months for an update on planned service developments.