Thank You For Your Long Service

40 Years

Around 90 of our staff with a total of 2590 years service between them, received a Long Service Award after achieving 20, 30 or 40 years service. They were invited to attend a special award ceremony at Forth Valley Royal Hospital to celebrate their long careers working for the NHS. The event was hosted by NHS Forth Valley Vice Chairman, Julia Swan and Chief Executive Cathie Cowan and each member of staff received a specially designed certificate and pin badge.

A series of short videos were made to give examples of staff with 40, 30 and 20 years service which are available on the multimedia section of the NHS Forth Valley website

The 40 year award videos feature Morag McLaren, Head of Organisational Development and Anne Moylan, Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner. The 30 year award video focuses on Angela McGregor, Administration Manager in the Women and Children’s Unit and the 20 year award video features Fiona Struthers, Dietetic Co-ordinator at Forth Valley Royal Hospital.

Julia Swan, Vice-Chair of NHS Forth Valley, said, “It was a pleasure to present these awards to staff and gave me the opportunity to say a personal thank you for their long and dedicated service to the NHS. The staff who attended this year’s award ceremony came from many different backgrounds and it was fascinating to listen to their personal stories and hear about some of the changes they had witnessed during their long NHS careers”.

A total of 92 staff received long service awards – 11 for 40 years service, 53 for 30 years service and 28 for 20 years service.