Tope Falade – Sustainability Manager


Tell us a little about your job.

My role involves helping NHS Forth Valley to become more energy efficient, reduce its carbon emissions and lower its energy costs. It involves monitoring and reporting energy consumption, collaborating with different contractors on decarbonisation projects and visiting different sites to identify energy saving and carbon reduction opportunities. I have been involved in getting a range of energy conservation projects off to a good start and driving their completion. My focus now is to monitor energy usage and identify opportunities for low carbon heating options across the area. I must Although I only started my role towards the end of 2023, I have settled in well and been able to take on new responsibilities because of the support of everyone in the team.

What sparked your enthusiasm for all things green?

My university education focused on environmental management and sustainability. Coming to the UK for my postgraduate studies over a decade ago, I got involved in different climate challenge funded projects in Scotland which helped shaped my career path and broadened my understanding of the issues around the climate emergency and need to act. These projects gave me the experience to take up roles where I helped to promote energy efficiency, carbon reduction and all-round sustainability goals.

How do you convince people about the importance of saving energy and climate change?

The signs are everywhere. From persistent flooding, irregular rainfall patterns and unexplainable continuous increase in atmospheric temperature. In January 2024, the UK recorded its warmest January day – Kinlochewe in Scotland hit 19.6c on 28th January 2024 and on Saturday 11th May 2024 Cassley in Scotland reached 25.7c. These events are happening all the time so I would say it has now become easier to tell people about climate change than it was some years ago. People are more aware of the issues and challenges around us. The continuous rise in the cost of living and energy cost calls for us all to look at ways to save energy and, in turn, reduce our carbon emissions.

What has been your previous work experience?

My career started as a Research Scientist working in a laboratory in my country of birth. However, since I moved to the UK over a decade ago, I have worked both in England and Scotland with different organisations. My experience in the UK has mostly been within the housing sector where I started as a community officer on energy and environment and later became an Energy and Sustainability Manager. My experience involves helping  organisations to reduce their energy use, lower their carbon emissions and get them on a journey towards net zero.

Is there any historical character you would have liked to be friends with and why?

I so much admire Nelson Mandela. He was an embodiment of magnanimity, forgiveness, and reconciliation. He perfectly understood that we all need each other to have a prosperous society. His love for people, forgiveness, tolerance, compassion, humility, fairness and championing human rights is worthy of emulation.

Favourite film or TV show?

I like watching The Chase, the 1% Club and the Weakest link. Everyone around me knows these are my favourite TV shows apart from watching Chelsea football club games.

How do you spend your spare time?

I enjoy helping people get around Glasgow, especially new immigrants. Most of the time, you will see me in a local library giving academic support to an international student or helping a new immigrant with their CV or job search. Moreover, I am member of a church in the Possil area of Glasgow where I help with running a food bank project.

How would you spend one million pounds?

I come from a religious background that believes so much in tithing, so after giving the 100k tithe to my church, my immediate family will make effective use of the remaining 900k. I trust their judgement having worked for them for about eleven years now.

Sporty or bookish?


Best laugh or funny moment?

I travelled hours to take an exam and changed my mind at the exam hall. I decided not to sit for the exam a few minutes before the start and have never regretted the decision.

Worst situation you have found yourself in?

I walked over a soakaway at night, and it collapsed under my feet.

What would you tell your 16-year-old self?

Go back and study medicine, you wanted to be a doctor.

What keeps you awake at night?

My quest to know what is happening in the news around the world at all times.