TRAKCARE – Board The Winter Express

Throughout the winter months, the TrakCare train has continued to gain momentum. To prepare for the new Patient Management System, which is set to replace EDIS, eWard and TOPAS, several Governance groups have been formed, the first of these being the Programme Delivery Board and Implementation Group, who have been meeting regularly.

More recently, the Clinical and User Advisory Group (CAUG) has been established. This group will be chaired by the project’s two Clinical Leads, Ms Fiona Leitch and Dr Mark Spears. All minutes from the TrakCare Governance Groups are available to read on the TrakCare staff intranet page.

There has been continued engagement with InterSystems, who developed the TrakCare system, in preparation for the signing of the contract and for the workshops taking place in early 2018. At these workshops InterSystems will provide us with a more detailed look at the TrakCare functionality and allow staff a chance to see how current processes might tie in with the new system. In preparation, the project team have continued to gather information and process map services throughout NHS Forth Valley, most recently mapping the Emergency Department, Front Door and now moving into the Outpatient and Inpatient Areas.

Key data cleansing has also begun within the three current patient information systems. This work is vital to ensure all of the data migrated to the new TrakCare system is of the highest quality, improving both patient and user experience as well as national reporting.

For more TrakCare information or to submit any feedback or questions please visit the TrakCare Intranet page