TrakCare Go Live Update – Change of Date


Please note this supersedes the article printed in the Spring Staff News

The TrakCare go live date will  now be the 26th to 29th of April 2019.

This date has been moved to ensure appropriate validation of the system build, quality assurance and to allow services additional time to facilitate staff training.

As staff will be aware Trakcare replaces three key systems within our organisation – Topas, eWARD and eDIS and therefore impacts on the majority of services. More than 3,000 users have to transfer across to the new system.

The main user training is based on a blended approach of a mandatory eLearning module plus role specific classroom modules.  The eHealth training team have already trained a number of Superusers who will act as a point of contact during the golive.

Staff are requested to ensure that they attended the appropriate training in readiness of the new dates.

For more information visit the TrakCare pages on the staff intranet.