Trakcare Reaches Major Milestone


The TrakCare Programme has reached a major milestone with the signing of the contract. The programme has now formally launched and a number of workshops are being run to review our ‘as is’ processes, identify key questions and decide on how the new system should be built and configured which will inform the ‘to be’ processes.

Trakcare, the new patient information system, will replace three key systems within our organisation – Topas, eWARD and eDIS and will therefore impact right across all staff and service areas.

The programme plan indicates that the go live date will be the first quarter of 2019.

At a recent TrakCare Clinical Advisory and User Group meeting there was discussion about how best to communicate effectively with users and services. This was a positive discussion and included the suggestion of building a network of Programme Champions. This role will focus on helping to promote the programme, communicating at an operational level updates and re-enforcing the necessary changes in working practice. Cascading on a peer to peer basis will help to ensure we build a system which suits the organisations requirements and realises benefits. As a Champion the key purpose will be to act as a single point of contact within services to collate questions and escalate problems or benefits to the programme.

Work is planned to provide information regarding the Champions and areas they cover via the staff intranet.

If you have any questions or require further information please contact the Programme team on