A team from the Urology Department at Forth Valley Royal Hospital embarked on a mountain mission to scale Ben Ledi in an effort to raise money for Prostate Scotland.

Debbie Macleod, Urology Staff Nurse, said the “Our Urology team are here for patients at every step of their cancer journey and wanted to undertake this trek to raise awareness and funds for this important cause.

“Seventeen members of staff and two qualified mountain leaders made it up and down Ben Ledi in around 7 hours.

“During the trek we encountered rain, hail, wind, sun and a cocktail of all four at times.  Afterwards there were a good few sore muscles, but it was all worth it.”

The team has raised more than £3,700 for Prostate Scotland – a Scottish charity set up to provide information, advice and help on prostate health and disease, tests and treatments.

Nearly 1 in 2 men in Scotland will be affected by prostate disease at some stage of their lives and 1 in 10 are likely to develop prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in Scotland. Their Mission is to ‘inform, educate, support, campaign and advance on prostate disease in Scotland’.

You can find out more and donate on the team’s Just Giving page.

Ben Ledi
Ben Ledi