The early retirement of West of Scotland Regional Planning PA, Christine Livie, has led to a vacancy for an office gardener as Christine was well known for keeping plants in the offices at Carseview House healthy. She also held the title of official cake cutter at birthday celebrations, no matter what shape – round, square, oblong, even caterpillar or hedgehog shaped.
Working for NHS Forth Valley for 20 years, Christine’s first job was as a medical secretary at Orchard House and she also held the role of administrator in the SEAT learning disabilities MCN, one of the first regional MCNs to be formed. For the past eight years she has been managing the regional planning office and co-ordinating the network of groups and workstreams.
Known for being bright and cheerful and always ready with a smile, Christine is looking forward to being a ‘lady who lunches’ and is also planning a holiday in Australia. In addition, she has to finish organising her daughter’s wedding in August 2014.