Wound Care Training and Advice


Knowing where to look online for help in wound care led nurses from across NHS Forth Valley to take part in a rolling education plan with input from the Tissue Viability team if assistance is needed.

The first level guides staff around resources that can be used for their day-to-day wound requirements and led to Rebeca Boyne, Susan Brown, Barbara Grenfell, Joanne Knox, Hazel Turnbull, Sharon Handyside, Sarah Quinn and Kerri Graham, completing the Tissue Viability Ambassador Level 1 Award.

These awards were presented at the Tissue Viability wound care education event where companies involved in wound care gave presentations and discussed issues with staff.

Those successful can now move on to Level 2 and certificates will be presented at the next education event in April 2023. Level 1 can still be undertaken by staff and certifications will also be presented in April 2023.

Contact fv.tissueviabilityadmin@nhs.scot for further information and to register for Ambassador Tissue Viability Learning.