In The Spotlight – Dr Claire Copeland
Tell us a little about your job
I’m a Consultant Geriatrician - my day job is in stroke but I have a keen interest in...
In The Spotlight – Cathie Cowan, Chief Executive
Tell us a little about your career path
Growing up on the south side of Glasgow I followed my sister into nursing and trained at...
In The Spotlight – Gillian Allan
Tell us a little about your current job
I currently work as the Planning Team Coordinator within the Planning Department at Carseview House and have...
In The Spotlight – Liz Macleod
Tell us a little about your job
I manage the theatre department which includes a suite of operating theatres at Forth Valley Royal Hospital and...
In The Spotlight – Andrew Murray
Tell us a little about your job
The role of Medical Director covers a wide range of areas including medical training, leadership and support as...
In The Spotlight – Andy Fowler
Tell us a little about your current job
Along with my 20 security officers, we look after the physical security of Forth Valley Royal Hospital...
In The Spotlight – Eileen Sharp
Eileen Sharp, Practice Education Lead for Allied Health Professionals
Tell us a little about your job
I have two roles within NHS Forth Valley. I work...
In The Spotlight – Mary Anne Burgoyne
Mary Anne Burgoyne, Healthcare Chaplain
Tell us about your job
I am a Healthcare Chaplain and that involves providing support to patients, relatives and staff....
In The Spotlight – Drew Burnett
Drew Burnett, Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) - GP Portfolio Team
Tell us a little about your job
My job involves reviewing the patients under the care of...
In The Spotlight – Drummond Gardner
Drummond Gardner, Imaging Team Leader
Tell us about your job
I am in charge of the Nuclear Medicine section of the Radiology Department at Forth Valley...