
Healthy Relationships

Young adults with learning disabilities are being helped to explore relationship issues, thanks to the work of our health promotion staff and Central Sexual...

Red Cross to The Rescue

One of the last duties undertaken by Public Health Director Dr Anne Maree Wallace, before she retired, was to sign a Memorandum of Understanding...

Putting Patients First

The new buzzword “ person-centredness “ is officially defined as “the standard of care that ensures the patient is at the centre of delivery.”...

Gearing Up For Charity

Whilst most of us like to relax on holiday, NHS Forth Valley chairman Alex Linkston got into the saddle and cycled over 250 miles...

Cycling For Sepsis

A Forth Valley doctor got on his bike and cycled more than 450 miles to help raise awareness of a life threatening condition that...

Marathon Achievements

Mental health nurse Bryan Grome has taken to pounding the streets to raise money for causes close to his heart. He completed the Edinburgh...

In The Swim of Things

An appeal is being made for NHS Forth Valley staff to take the plunge and help raise money to benefit our patients. Polmont Rotary...

Choose to Loose

Overindulging over Christmas and then wishing we hadn’t eaten so much is a very common New Year feeling for many of us. To reduce...

Staff Say Goodbye With Silver

NHS Forth Valley Director of Public Health, Dr Anne Maree Wallace, recently retired after more than five years with the Board. She previously worked...

Farewell Mr Always Well

There’s not many folk who can work for an organisation for 33 years and never have a day off sick! But that was the...

Brisbane Family Raise over £9,000 for Strathcarron

A local family with close links to NHS Forth Valley has helped raise more than £9000 for Strathcarron Hospice. The Brisbane family has set themselves...

Win one of 20 Overnight Stays at the Gleneagles Hotel (Closed)

As a thank you to NHS staff, Gleneagles Hotel has again kindly provided 20 gift vouchers entitling two people to bed and breakfast at...

Record Amount Raised for Children in Need

A number of events and fundraising activities took place at Forth Valley Royal Hospital and other sites to help raise money for Children in...